Thursday, November 28, 2019

Australias Involvement In The Vietnam War Essay Analysis Essay Example

Australias Involvement In The Vietnam War Essay Analysis Essay The origins of the Vietnam War lie in the post World War II period when the European empires were being dismantled. The region which is now Vietnam was then part of Indo-China, part of the French empire. Revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh had led a national liberation struggle against wartime Japanese occupation (and the French colonialists) from 1941. With military and financial support from communist China, the Viet Minh made substantial gains, roundly defeating the French at Dien Bien Phu in 1954. Vietnam temporarily partitioned into North and South pending the outcome of peace talks. The peace talks broke down, but the struggle continued. The United States had been involved from the beginning, providing military advisors and financial assistance from the end of World War II. By 1954 they were paying for 80% of the cost of the French effort. American involvement was formalised and strengthened. Following the Gulf of Tonkin incident when US destroyers were fired upon by North Korean patrol boats, Congress authorised President Johnson to use ;all necessary measures; to ;repel any armed attack; on 7 August 1964. This resulted in increased bombing raids and, more significantly, an expansion of ground forces, from 23 000 in December 1964, to 316 400 by October 1966. Australia;s involvement began in 1962 when, in response to a request from the government of South Vietnam, Australia sent 30 military advisers to train and improve the effectiveness of South Vietnam;s Army. By 1965 this had been increased to 100 advisors plus six transport aircraft. That year, after a further request from the South Vietnamese Government, Prime Minister Robert Menzies decided to send a battalion of ground troops to provide support in South Vietnam. According to Menzies; statement of April 29 1965, ;The takeover of South Vietnam would be a direct military threat to Australia and to all the countries of South and South-Eas

Monday, November 25, 2019

French Cinema Essay Example

French Cinema Essay Example French Cinema Essay French Cinema Essay French Cinema Scene analysis The scene from the movie Rules of The Game by Jean Renoir shows many camera techniques and uses the camera to clench the true meaning of the screen. I will be discussing and analyzing the scene. The film beautifully demonstrates the use of precise shots and perfectly executed scenes. Throughout the scene of The Rules of the Game the camera is like another person in the room. It is invisible and wanders throughout the building almost like it is someone following what is happening. This makes for an interesting and new perception never seen before by film viewers. At one point in the scene the camera gets trapped and has to zoom out as though it is being caught. Along with the presence of the camera you can notice rack focusing, the lighting is obviously controlled. The scene begins with a near foreground and pans out to far background as they move throughout the building. One of the greatest aspects of the scene and the film is the incredibly long takes and long shots. This allowed us to be able to grasp whatever we wanted to see in every shot. Jean Renoir used montage editing; this gave the audience the freedom to choose what they wanted to see within the scene. The viewers are able to edit their own idea of the shot. As the scene progresses the camera moves weightlessly with the focus on the foreground while the two in the background escape through a door. The use of separation from the hallway to the main room acts as a sort of barrier between shots. : Although on take it feels as though it is separated into two. The primary focus of this shot is to establish the idea that Schumacher is looking for Saint-Aubin. The concept is that the viewer needs to choose who to look at. It forces the viewer to be crossed between the main focus and the deep focus. There is no cut of the camera which would cause all prior viewer attention to be diminished. Because of the fluid camera movement it makes for a realization of what is going on in the background. The final concept is the montage that Jean Renoir uses. The faint light hearted piano music adds to an overall mood and feeling of the shot. For the most part the movie could be seen as dreary but this scene adds an almost lighthearted tone as they move from the conversation in the hallway to the bigger room. Overall the film scene is a masterpiece in that the camera moves in such a way that allows the viewer to feel like you are right in the action. With All the techniques put into this particular shot you can clearly see that this is one of the greatest films ever made.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Small group communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Small group communication - Essay Example An effective small group that would guarantee efficient results is one that has established clear roles for the small group members. Firstly, there should be a task leader. A task leader is probably one of the key people within the small group as he controls the direction of the group and initiates debate points. He is resourceful enough to know when a point has been exhausted and also has the ability to come up with debatable points whose answers contribute to the overall discussion. The other critical aspect for a small group is communication. The members of the small group should understand each other they should be able to discern information provided by other members. This ensures that no single point escapes. In totality, this contributes to a healthy group discussion and one that maximizes on the resourcefulness of all the members. Looking through the definition forwarded by the text it is possible to identify our class groups as small groups. A project team, as it was constit uted to achieve a particular goal which was discussion of various academic topics. The intention of the project team was to improve our functionality in groups as well as integrate variable knowledge as presented by various group members. However, the only qualification as a small group only lay in the numbers and communication interactions. This was the only congruent aspect as our small group lacked a communication pattern. There were no ground rules that ensured the discussions remained focused on the subject matter. This was largely due to lack of a task leader. A task leader is defined as the person who emerges as the most qualified to lead a specific small group dealing with a particular problem (Cragan, Wright and Kasch 39). This type of a person lacked in our small group. The result was an uncoordinated group that engaged in debates far from the intended topics. It would take a long time to have the group members focus again on the topic of discussion. The greatest problem was that every time one of the group members seemed to take control of the group he was fast criticized and this again translated to a disorderly discussion. The text identifies that task leaders are not necessarily known at the inception of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hillside casr study 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hillside casr study 3 - Essay Example The system holds relevant capacity and it is set to improve cash management. It seeks to streamline cash collection, Administration of records and determination of discount figures that would be sustainable. It is significant for the financial administrators at Hillside school to establish and understand the processes that the new billing system presents. This is to enable development of accurate decisions on when and at what point they should issue the discount with an aim to eliminate misappropriations or realization of dismal performance in the future. In particular, the new system presents a streamlined structure that defines cash collection effectively. The structure enables individuals to make credible choices from the available options based on set guidelines to boost performance (Barnard, 2008). The administration in a pursuit to improve student enrolment and effective collection of cash seeks to employ a discount strategy for individuals who make fixed payments. This is to ensure early payment of fees by students that would help in facilitating effective financial planning. In any setting, provision of cash discount influence consumers positively. Indeed, the new billing system presents a credible cash collection department where the discount figure should be developed. That is, the discount provided to fixed payees should be sorted at the accounts department to promote accuracy and accountability. The process would foster efficiency and effectiveness in terms of fee payment and collection. The school plans to give 5% discount to students who make prompt payments basic on fixed terms. The figure shows the cash transaction system where fee is collected from tuition and after care service centers. The system is to be upgraded with a discount payment program to facilitate the new initiative that is aimed at encouraging prompt payments. It stipulates that 5% discount is to be provided to students who make

Monday, November 18, 2019

Capital Investment Decision Making Research Paper

Capital Investment Decision Making - Research Paper Example The institution must also decide on a payment and delivery modes of the van that would be cost-effective. Other decisions would include appropriate model of the van and urgency of acquiring the van (Cleverley, Cleverley & Song, 2011). Information for evaluation of the investment on the van shall include the institution’s financial capacity, inventory, and expected trends; a clear record of prospective patient’s physical locations to determine the urgency for acquiring the van; other vehicles available that have the ability to be converted to self-contained ambulances; and the institution’s capacity to maintain such form of capital investment. At the decision making process, there is a likelihood of several challenges (Klonowski, 2010). Conflict of interest among and between stakeholders and shareholders may slow down the decision making process. The participants at the decision-making forums would have divergent views regarding the subject that may make the decision making sluggish (Jackson, Sawyers, & Jenkins, 2009). Moreover, availability of the required information for evaluation of alternatives shall determine the pace of the decision-making process. If the information is not available readily, the process might be tedious and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Case Study of DFA and NFA Implementation

Case Study of DFA and NFA Implementation Muhammad Danial Waseem Hania Farooq Table of Contents (Jump to) Digital Social Media Popular Social Media Tools and Platforms Blogs Face book WhatsApp Viber Twitter YouTube Flickr Instagram LinkedIn Groups Vimeo STATE 1 (login state) Regular expression for the state 1 (After login ) Regular expression for the state 2 Combined automata Table (3) Transition table for combined states of facebook Scenario 2 Language Automata Transition table: Scenario 3 Language References References of Images List of Figures Figure 1- Types of social media Figure 2- Automata of first state of facebook Figure 3- Automata of second state of facebook Figure 4- combined state of facebook Figure 5- Screenshots of Whats App Figure 6- Automata of Whats App Figure 7- Screenshots of Viber Figure 8- Automata of viber Introduction Digital Social Media Digital Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. The Office of Digital Communication manages the main Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare, YouTube and Vimeo accounts. Furthermore, social media depend on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content. They introduce substantial and pervasive changes to communication between organizations, communities, and individuals.These changes are the focus of the emerging field of  technoself  studies. Social media are different from traditional or industrial media in many ways, including quality, reach, frequency, usability, immediacy, and permanence Diagram depicting the many different types of social media There are many effects that stem from internet usage. According to Nielsen, internet users continue to spend more time with social media sites than any other type of site. At the same time, the total time spent on social media in the U.S. across PC and mobile devices increased by 99 percent to 121 billion minutes in July 2012 compared to 66 billion minutes in July 2011 Popular Social Media Tools and Platforms Blogs A platform for casual dialogue and discussions on a specific topic or opinion. Face bookThe world’s largest social network, with more than 1.32 billion monthly active users (as of June 2014). For accessing users create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including status updates. Brands create pages and Facebook users can â€Å"like† brands’ pages. WhatsApp WhatsApp is the best social network and mobile application. User create accounts send images videos audio notes update status, recently Facebook purchased it. Viber Viber is also an application and bestest application that gives both option of chat and call to the user. TwitterA social networking/micro-blogging platform that allows groups and individuals to stay connected through the exchange of short status messages (140 character limit). YouTube Video hosting and watching websites. Flickr An image and video hosting website and online community. Photos can be shared on Facebook and Twitter and other social networking sites. Instagram A free photo and video sharing application that allows users to apply digital filters, frames and special effects to their photos and then share them on a variety of social networking sites. LinkedIn GroupsA place where groups of professionals with similar areas of interest can share information and participate in conversations. VimeoVideo hosting and watching websites. Scenario 1 An example of digital social media, i.e. Face book. Facebook(formerly[thefacebook]) is an online  social networking service  headquartered in  Menlo Park, California. Facebook now allows anyone who claims to be at least 13 years old to become a registered user of the website. After registering to use the site, users can create a  User profile, add other users as  friends, exchange messages, post status updates and photos, share videos and receive notifications when others update their profiles. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such as People from Work or Close Friends. Construct a finite automata for facebook in which a user first access to the login page of facebook then user enter ID and password for login process. This process work in backend due to searching algorithm and after search facebook opens the account of the user who enters the ID and password. And now user is entered in home page. If the user wants to create account on facebook then he/she have to enter some details that are required for creating an account and after verification of detail the user can use their home page. In home page there are 4 main options and many other option if the user wants to stay on the home page i.e. user may use search bar for searching any stuff, any application any friend or anything. User want to access a group that he already joined and either option. The 5 main options are: Newsfeed (notification) Sharing Profile Search Chat Now if user want to open newsfeed then user is able to see latest notification or anything in which user is tagged or anyone post on his time line or having response of the something which the user is already shared. User wants to share any picture/audio/video or any status among his friends. The other option is profile. Profile is the timeline of the user in which user can see or comment on what user have already shared or any friend have shared or commented on is shared thing or on status and user can update his/her personal information. The other option is search. The user want to search some content by using search bar. The last but not least option is chat. That enable the user to chat with the friends on his/her friend list. As the whole automaton of the facebook is too vast that’s why for describing them clearly we divided it into 2 states. The first state is login state and the other stage is after login stage. And at the end we will combine all the stages as final automata. STATE 1 (login state) L= {L, EN, P, H, CA, ED, V,} Q= q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 Where, L=login EN= enter name P= enter password H=home page CA=create an account ED=enter detail V=detail verified The above automaton is illustrating that when the user give the input â€Å"L† means login and after â€Å"L† machine accepts the name and the password i.e. EN (enter name ) and p (password) for reaching the final stage of login state i.e. HOME. The user have another option if the user have not any account then the facebook machine (automata) also gives the opportunity to create an account for creating the account the machine accepts the particular details i.e. ED means to enter the required detail. In this automata it is defined that when user open the facebook user have 2 option either he/she open account or he/she creates new account. So if user have not his account so he follow the second option go to create option enter all the details then verified these detail and account created and if have user have already account so he he/she just enter name and password and enter these thing . So same as defined in this automata user have to follow two paths which are clearly mentioned in this automata. Regular expression for the state 1 STATE 2 (After login ) L= { H, SH, NF, Pr, S, CH, LO, D} Where SH = user wants to share the pictures/audio/video or text among his friends. NF = notification from the friends or the pages liked. The user can select the notification and see Pr= timeline of the user. In which user can see what he shared or he/she can update his/her information. S= the user want to search some contact. CH = it stands for chat. That it enables user to chat with the friend on his/her friends list LO = logout. The user sign out and get return to the main page Second state is describes is the state open after login so after login facebook is a multifunction social media but we compiled main functions. So when user logins to fb user have many options now depend on user what user wants to do. either user stays on home page and read normally or he shared any others post, or check the notification of other or the thing which he/she tagged in, or view his own profile or any others profile or use the search option to find any person or search any app or games for playing or using.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ There are many others also things to do but these are the main thing which normally user can do on the daily basis. Now there are some other things also which we mention in automata is using keelene. It’s like if user logins the page and he do not do anything just stay remain in home page it’s not necessary that all user do the same so it’s also mention in automata. Regular expression for the state 2 It’s a general regular expression which is made by the automata but we have to normalize the regular expression fro make it simple and complicated for other so they don’t try to copy, After normalization I denoted as the r.e2 because it’s the same regular expression but just a normalized form. See transition table on the next page, Combined automata L= {L, EN, P, H, CA, ED, V, H, SH, NF, Pr, S, CH, LO, D } r.e = S (L.E.N.P.H + CA. ED. V. H) H*(SH+ + NF++ Pr+ +S++CH*)D(H+LO) Scenario 2 Another example of digital social media i.e., WhatsApp WhatsAppis a  proprietary,  cross-platform  instant messaging  subscription service  for  smartphones  and selected  feature phones  that uses the  Internet  for communic

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Against Gun Control in America :: Second Amendment The Right To Bear Arms

Constitutional Law Gun Control Paper Gun control is undoubtedly an issue that most Americans have been exposed to. In 1989, guns killed 11,832 Americans. The National Rifle Association (NRA) members believe that it is their constitutional right to own guns, stating that guns are not the root of the crime problem in the United States. Gun control activists like the members of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) argue that guns are responsible for the majority of violent crimes that take place. They wish to instill many types of bans and waiting periods on firearms, making it nearly impossible to obtain a handgun. In fact, in 1993 the Brady Bill, which mandates a waiting period on buying firearms, was passed. Their arguments range from protecting children to saying that guns are diseases, but when one looks at the facts, though, the arguments of gun control advocates seem irrelevant and it becomes clear that guns should not be controlled. The Supreme Court has been very careful in limiting the rights of individuals to carry firearms. They have also been debating about weather the framers intended the Second Amendment to apply to individuals, or to state militias. In U S v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875) the court ruled that laws could be passed regarding gun control. The court said â€Å"The right they’re specified is that of 'bearing arms for a lawful purpose.' This is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Basic Concept Of Ppsmi Education Essay

The whole thought of a good instruction system is to fix out kids so that they are better prepared to confront the challenges of globalisation, liberalisation every bit good as the fast development in today ‘s information and communicating engineerings. To enable our state to make this we needed competent and resilient human capital that is able to confront the challenges locally and internationally. In order to bring forth this sort of human capital, authorities had come out with few policies in instruction system. One of the policies was PPSMI that was introduced in 2003 and later it is abolished in 2012. The basic construct of PPSMI – the instruction and acquisition of scientific discipline and mathematics in English The virtues of PPSMI – the instruction and acquisition of scientific discipline and mathematics in English The demerits of PPSMI – the instruction and acquisition of scientific discipline and mathematics in English Summary. The basic construct of PPSMI The instruction and acquisition of scientific discipline and mathematics in English or in short known as PPSMI, that stands for Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik Dalam Bahasa InggerisA is a authorities policy aimed at bettering the bid of the English linguistic communication among pupils at primary and secondary schools inA Malaysia. Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, whom was the premier curate at the minute introduced this policy in 2003. However, since it was introduced, PPSMI has been a heated topic and has been debated among faculty members, politicians and even in society until the Deputy Prime Minister, Tan SriA Muhyiddin Yassin announced the policy ‘s reversal in 2012. Harmonizing to the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in The Star ( 2009 ) , the spread between rural and urban pupils has widened since PPSMI started. Merely 19.2 % of secondary instructors and 9.96 % of primary instructors were sufficiently proficient in English. He said this one of the grounds the Cabinet has decided that the medium of direction for Math and Science will return to Bahasa Malaysia in national schools and mother-tongue linguistic communications in national-type schools from 2012 onwards and the reversal of the instruction of Math and Science in English ( PPSMI ) policy will be conducted in phases. The virtues of PPSMI Back so, the medium for communicating in instruction system was chiefly used our mother-tongue, Malay linguistic communication. Then in order to develop the state, the premier curate at that clip, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad proposed a policy that changed the medium of direction from the Malay linguistic communication to English for the instruction and acquisition of Science and Mathematics topics. Basically the policy was made based on the authorities ‘s concern on the state ‘s human capital development towards accomplishing the criterion of a developed state, every bit good as an early readying to vie in the epoch of globalisation. Kim ( 2011 ) stated that scientific discipline and mathematics are two chief Fieldss that form the footing and have a important function in the advancement and development of a state. Besides, the turning watercourse of transmutations and finds in these two Fieldss happen quickly and information entree in these Fieldss is largely in the English linguistic communication excessively. So, the command in this linguistic communication would do us easier to acquire the cognition in scientific discipline and mathematics. Though by presenting PPSMI is non the best method to better English, it is however a worthy enterprise that will convey the duplicate benefits of betterment in English every bit good as ready connectivity to the universe of scientific discipline and engineering. Harmonizing to Kim ( 2011 ) , oppositions of PPSMI ever make Russia and China as an illustration that one can lodge to one ‘s national linguistic communication and yet accomplish outstanding advancement in scientific discipline and technology.A But these critics forget that states like Russia and China have large populations and their people are good equipped with cognition in scientific discipline and engineering comparison to us, Malaysians that largely still depends on aliens. One more thing is about the resources. English text books are already widely used in our establishments of higher acquisition excessively, so why must we halt the instruction of mathematics and scientific discipline in English at an earlier age and change over back to Malay linguistic communication? The merely acceptable ground for halting PPSMI should merely because of the deficiency of English-proficient instructors. They did non hold sufficient preparation to be able to learn efficaciously. However, many options can be conducted to develop them. After that, all they needed is sufficient clip to accommodate to the alteration and later travel frontward to run into the challenges. In decision, we can straight see that the policy determination to implement PPSMI was made to do certain pupils ‘ command in scientific discipline and mathematics in position of the fact that most of the beginnings are available in the English linguistic communication. Indirectly, it is besides hoped that the execution of PPSMI would lend to the enhancing of pupils ‘ bid of the linguistic communication. The demerits of PPSMI Even though PPSMI seemed to be a good policy to be implemented in our instruction system, after much idea and considerations from experts, non-governmental organisations and concerned persons about the impact of PPSMI on pupil acquisition, the authorities decided to get rid of the instruction and acquisition of Science and Mathematics in English. Harmonizing to an article ‘Why PPSMI is abolished ‘ in The Star newspaper, the cabinet found that during the execution of PPSMI merely 4 % of Mathematicss and Science instructors used 90 % or more of English in the instruction and acquisition of the two topics. A mixture of Bahasa Malaysia and English was used more by them and the instructors had to often exchange to Bahasa Malaysia in their instruction because pupils could non understand their lessons in English. To turn out the statement above, a survey conducted by a group of educationalists from the Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris ( UPSI ) revealed that 70 % of Form Two pupils found it difficult to larn Mathematicss and Science in English. Another survey done by a Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ( UKM ) professor concluded that PPSMI hampered pupils ‘ ability to understand Mathematicss and Science constructs, hence ensuing in their hapless public presentation in these two topics. The cabinet besides stated that lone pupils with good bid of English benefited from PPSMI while others who lack of proficiency in English became victims. So, obviously it is unjust to these pupils if the authorities decide to go on with the policy. â€Å" Apart from holding to larn a linguistic communication which is non their female parent lingua, our kids are being made to analyze the two topics in English every bit good, † A Muhyidin said, adding that surveies had besides shown that pupils would break understand a topic if it was taught in their female parent lingua. The determination to change by reversal to Bahasa Malaysia is in line with the place taken by Unesco that the female parent lingua is the best medium of direction in schools. As we can see the current coevals of attorneies, comptrollers, scientists, technocrats, and other professionals are the merchandise of our National Education System where Bahasa Malaysia is the medium of direction in schools. Therefore, it has proven that Bahasa Malaysia is an effectual medium of direction in the national schools. Drumhead All in all, whether it is the execution or reversal of PPSMI, the biggest also-rans are still pupils in Malaysia. So it is of import that wise actions must be done by every party to assist the pupils from being victim to the unsteady policies in Malaysia educational system. However before authorities want to present new policy, surely they did some researches before it was implemented and same goes to the new policy that replaces PPSMI now. Although PPSMI is no longer used as a medium of direction at schools, the desire to get the hang English should non be stopped in our immature coevalss because our state needs a population that is competent in English to must bring forth top class workers who will be able to vie in the globalised universe. In relation to this, the Education Ministry has taken comprehensive steps to better our pupils ‘ bid of English through the new policy, Strengthening English Language ( MBI ) policy. Besides that, there are several ways that authorities attempts to make in order to guarantee pupils get a good bid in English linguistic communication for illustration bettering the methods of instruction and acquisition of English in schools, increasing English hours and engaging quality English instructors, including from abroad, to assist our pupils be proficient in English. The support from all parents excessively is another cardinal factor to heighten the quality of our instruction and better pupil acquisition.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Top College Majors Further Careers †

Top College Majors Further Careers Deciding on your college major is a highly responsible step. It is not necessary to choose a major which is related to your further career, but it is recommended to study and work in somehow interconnected fields. There are a lot of factors to take into account before selecting the type of college major which suits you. Besides, it makes no sense to waste time on several different degrees at a time: you have to invest all your time in one field and building college application essay exactly for the university and major of your dream.   Other published guides on college majors may be useful too. Except for the general college subjects, your curriculum will also include narrow areas such as Physics, Political Science, or Gender Studies. Most of the modern colleges add E-commerce as a separate discipline and major as far as the internet became a powerful tool of modern business people. There is one thing all contemporary college majors have in common: students will definitely have to use computers. Information technology and medicine are considered the top college majors as far as corresponding careers gain the highest salaries and social bonuses. Read this article to the end to find out what careers and degrees are the most wanted in today’s world. In case you haven’t made your decision yet, you might be interested in picking on of these areas. Anyway, you can change your decision at any time during your education if you don’t love what you do. Hottest College Majors and Related Jobs For most of the industries and college majors, last year was full of new job opportunities. At the same time, the basic indexes remained almost the same. Searching for well-paid sought-after positions which require skills you possess? In order to get a good job, it is better to gain Master’s degree. Before choosing your educational path, you have to decide on your further job. Here is a list of most wanted college majors and relevant jobs for you to pick from. You can ease your application process by using help from experts online. Dental hygiene Dental hygienists are among the most demanded and perspective professionals in the field of healthcare. Unlike surgery or manual physician, this job does not require that huge medical background except for the college major in dental hygiene. After all, compared to other entry-level positions like registered nurse, the wages are more than enough. American Dental Association certificate is the only must to gain up to $70,000 per year. Note that you’ll need years of experience and college major before becoming a really great dental hygienist. Veterinary biomedical sciences Do you care about animals? Then, a veterinary technician is just the right job for you once you end up with your college major in biomedical sciences. Private technicians who serve pets on house are very appreciated and rare experts. Pet doctors are valued less than human, but it doesn’t reduce the importance of their roles. They help both animals and their owners. A vet tech is tested less strictly: all they have to do is to pass a single college exam. The advanced knowledge in pet’s health might be a plus. The duties are also simple: interpreting the tests results (without even conducting them), stating diagnoses and supporting pet’s health level. The salary is twice smaller than mentioned above. Sports fitness administration There is no need to tell how demanded fitness trainers are in the age when everyone watches after their bodies. College major in sports is thus a trend. The absolute record holder in terms of college majors and top careers is a fitness trainer. Thanks to the new fashion trend, sporty girls and guys are in demand now. So are the fitness center’s jobs. You don’t have to be a professional trainer: a close friend of mine got the job only because of his passion for bodybuilding. That’s it. The expected wages for this kind of job are $40,000-45,000. After all, it’s a great opportunity always to keep fit and healthy. The attendance for workers is free of charge. Computer Science The most popular occupation from this college major category is known as a database administrator. It’s a rather complicated and valued job. Database administrators are usually among the most responsible company’s IT specialists as the entire computer system depends on them. Well, this one stayed on the list for the last decade. Good system administrators are always in top 10 due to the rapid digital world’s development. Storing, retrieving, organizing, and controlling databases are as easy as ABC for the modern generation. So, be ready with your Associate’s Degree in Computer Science (or good luck) to receive $65,000 annually. Nursing (different types) Medical assistant sounds like something amateur, but, I fact, people of this position possess all chances to become professional doctors and even surgeons one day. This age is all about IT and healthcare college majors. Eat humble pie. Be ready to perform basic medical aid and care for patients. Your recruiter might be a private physician, chiropractor, ophthalmologist, podiatrist, or another doc. This position suits students perfectly as part of their internship program, so there are no obligatory documents required for the salary of around $30,000. Computer engineering A Software Engineer is a top winner in this area. Mobile applications and online games are especially admired nowadays. You are at the right time and the right place within your potential IT company if you can boast at least Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering. Ready to get your $60,000 for the small but smart ideas? Health information technology Health Information Technician is a rare and well-paid profession with dozens of responsibilities and obligations. A.k.a. medical record keeper, these guys can make $30,000 for just saving doctor’s time for patient's treatment. Healthcare administration It is true that majors in arts are less wanted than healthcare professionals. Yes, I warned you there is a plenty of them. Your recruiter will be interested in your Accreditation from the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant before paying a bit more than $90,000! It’s a right path for those who wish to become talented physicians one day. You can also try being physical therapist aide once you finish your college major. It’s a good start to reaching previous position and wages level one day. Being high school graduate is all you need for sure. The payment is twice lower at his stage. Network Systems Analyst At last, a leader regarding required certificates, Network Systems Analyst. You’ll be asked to bring your Network Analyst Certificate, Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Information Science, or Systems Engineering, but the payment is not that huge: $55,000. So think of it: maybe, the system administrator will suit you better? As we can see, liberal arts and other humanitarian sciences are not among best college majors. Unless you are really interested in these fields, it is recommended to gain skills in medicine, engineering, and IT. When you finally make a choice regarding your preferred college major, rely on professional admissions essay writing service where you can buy 100% original application papers. Making choices regarding your college life and career is a hard job, but we hope that these tips would help.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Top-25 Chemistry Features and Articles

Top-25 Chemistry Features and Articles What are visitors reading? ThoughtCo. has you covered with this handy list of all of the top chemistry topics readers are perusing. Included in this top-25 listing are brief explanations of what youll find if you click the links. Using the periodic table  - The periodic table of the elements contains a wide variety of information. Most tables list element symbols, atomic number, and atomic mass at a minimum. The periodic table is organized so you can see trends in element properties at a glance.Chemical and physical changes  -  Chemical and physical changes are related to  chemical and physical properties.  Chemical changes take place on the molecular level. A chemical change produces a  new substance, as this article explains.Printable periodic tables  - Sometimes its nice to have a paper version of the periodic table of the elements that you can refer to when working problems or doing experiments in the lab. This is a collection of periodic tables that you can print and use. Additional specialty tables are also available.Chemistry glossary  - Find the definitions to terms in this ever-expanding glossary.  The comprehensive glossary offers definitions for terms which are commonly used in ch emistry and chemical engineering. Printable chemistry worksheets  - Print worksheets to practice chemistry problems.  The collection of chemistry worksheets is available in PDF format.Facts about acids and bases - Learn the essential about acids, bases and pH. The link provides the top 10 facts ranging from definitions to the  common test of whether an unknown is an acid or a base.Baking soda vs. baking powder  - Baking powder contains baking soda, but the two substances are used under different conditions.  Learn about the difference between the two and how to make substitutions while baking.Can you drink too much water?  - In a word, yes.  Learn whether its possible to drink too much water, how much it takes, and what happens.Chemistry problems  - Learn how to work problems by using examples.  This collection contains worked general chemistry and introductory chemistry problems, listed in alphabetical orderCrystal meth  - The chemical n-methyl-1-phenyl-propan-2-amine is called methamphetamine, m ethylamphetamine or desoxyephedrine. The shortened name is simply meth.  Learn about the chemistry of this well-known illegal drug. How to write a lab report  - Lab reports are an essential part of all laboratory courses and usually a significant part of your grade.  Here are step-by-step instructions on how to prepare a lab report for chemistry.List of elements  - This is a list of all the known chemical elements.  The names and  element symbols  are provided in this comprehensive list.How to calculate concentration  - Calculating the  concentration  of a chemical  solution is a basic skill all students of chemistry must develop early in their studies.  Learn how to determine the concentration of a chemical solution.Heterogeneous vs. homogeneous  - Heterogeneous  and  homogeneous  refer to mixtures of materials in chemistry.  Find out the difference between heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures and get examples.How to balance equations  - A chemical equation describes what happens in a chemical  reaction.  Learn how to set up a balanced equation.Acid-base indicators  - An   acid-base indicator  is a weak acid or a weak base.  Information in this article includes common indicators, with a table showing pH ranges, quantities and colors. How to calculate theoretical yield  - Before performing chemical reactions, it is helpful to know how much product will be produced with given quantities of reactants.  Learn how to calculate the theoretical yield of a chemical reaction.What is borax?  - Borax is a natural mineral with a chemical formula Na2B4O7   10H2O.  Find out what borax is and how it cleans and kills bugs. Learn whether its safe to use.Independent vs. dependent variables  - The two main variables in an experiment are the independent and dependent variable. Learn to understand the difference between independent and dependent variables in a scientific experiment.Firework colors  - Creating firework colors is a complex endeavor, requiring considerable art and application of physical science.  Learn how the colors are formed with a table of common colorants.Periodic table quiz  - Use information about the elements found using a periodic table to answer the questions to this multiple-choice quiz.Nat ural mosquito repellents  -  You can avoid being bitten by making sure you arent attracting mosquitoes by using a repellent and avoiding actions that diminish the effectiveness of the repellent.  Find natural alternatives to help repel mosquitoes and other insects. Chemistry quizzes  - Look here for all of the quizzes and self-tests and for links to quizzes at other sites.  This collection of chemistry test questions is grouped according to subject.  Home experiments  - Whether you are homeschooling or simply looking for chemistry activities that you can do with everyday materials, this link will help. The link includes everything from holiday-themed experiments to steps for building a volcano.Science fair experiments  - Get instructions for setting up your own project.  This list of science fair project ideas is grouped according to topic and educational level. Learn how to make a poster and give a presentation judges will love.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Death Sentence and Texas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Death Sentence and Texas - Essay Example The application of the death penalty in Texas makes several poignant statements: first, violent crimes in Texas will bring about violence in the application of the death penalty; second, it is a loud statement of lack of confidence in an individual’s ability to be rehabilitated after having committed a violent crime, regardless of the circumstances; and, third, demonstrates a confidence in the modern technologies, such as DNA testing, that have recently been proven to have been the basis for wrong convictions because DNA testing and maintenance of DNA samples were compromised. This raises the question of whether or not the continued application in Texas and elsewhere in the United States is in fact justice served. Or would justice be better served by holding off on the use of the death penalty, until the justice system can be certain, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the evidence it presents is irrefutable with respect to each life being put at risk? Also, can a system responsi ble for rehabilitating offenders really succeed in that goal, and can a criminal with a violent past be rehabilitated in a way where justice would be better served by life imprisonment as opposed to death? The justices decided on a 6-3 vote that the Texas jury that resentenced rapist-murderer Johnny Paul Penry after his 1989 appeal was given instructions that did not meet criteria the high court had earlier set, and they overturned his death sentence a second time (Murray 2001).† These are questions and situations that this essay will examine with respect to the application of the death penalty in the state of Texas. Individual cases where prisoners have been executed will be examined, as will some pending cases. The state of Texas is big, the history of Texas looms large in the overall history of the United States, and people from the state like to perceive themselves as

Friday, November 1, 2019

Use of Derivatives in Risk Management Research Paper

Use of Derivatives in Risk Management - Research Paper Example The global economic environment and the financial market have evolved drastically over the past decade. With the advent of information technology at a rapid pace, the financial markets of the world are now closely integrated. Due to this phenomenon of the world being a global village, a turbulence originated in a far distant financial market can have eventual consequences all across the globe. With the revolution in the communication technology, the access to information is instantaneous and thus the subsequent market reactions. It is of prime importance to understand the concept that how does financial risk arises in order to safeguard’s one asset from deteriorating while being exposed to such risks. For any organization or a company, the financial risk arises by entering into a financial transaction such as sales, purchase, investing into securities and bonds, sanctioning of loan and advances, mergers and acquisition transactions, debt financing etc. Financial risk is directly co-related to the prevailing financial prices in the markets, as the fluctuation in these prices causes an increase in the cost to the companies, reduction in the revenues and thus adverse impact on the profitability of the company. These underlying financial prices can be anything ranging from the market interest rates, exchange rates and commodity prices. Other aspects which yield financial risk in the transactions are dealing in derivatives and internal failures of the process and people of any organization. The financial r isk management process mainly copes with the uncertainties resulting from the financial market. The first and foremost step in this process is to identify the current exposure of the company and devise strategies accordingly keeping into consideration the priorities of the company. It depends upon the proactive decision making and the decisiveness of the company on how to cope with the current exposure of the company. In general, companies do realize that avoiding all risk is not possible in order to operate and thus they end up accepting a considerable amount of risk. Risk management is considered to be an ongoing process as the strategies needs to be updated and refined keeping into consideration the market norms and requirements. These changes are primarily brought about by the changes in the expectation about the market rates, business norms and practices and the international financial scenario. The most common strategy practiced by the companies all across the global financial market is to curtail their exposure to risk through the use of derivatives. Risk Management Process Risk management process is a continuous and iterative process which requires analysis of both internal and external risk factors. The